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The step by step method to releasing old patterns and bringing joy back to your emotions, even if you feel stressed out and suffering…

Imagine: The car won’t start, the kids are screaming, the dinner is burning, the sprinklers in the yard are broken and spouting like a geyser, the dog brings you a chewed up shoe--one of your favorites--and the mailman just dropped off a load of bills...

And yet, you are completely calm.

You are centered, self-confident, and present. What’s more, you feel ALIVE! You recognize your feelings and you let them flow…right through and beyond you, and what is left is a vast space of peace.

You attend to the "emergencies" one at a time with a focused ease and when a friend walks in the door, they would never guess that anything had gone awry.

"Looks like you have had an easy day..." You just smile. Because on one level it WAS easy.

Working with your emotions IS easy.

I know, because I have worked to create that emotional ease in my life too.

My name is Christian Minson, and I have spent over 30 years in pursuit of emotional mastery.

I grew up believing that emotions were bad and shouldn't be expressed. I tried suppressing them, numbing them with alcohol and substances. I tried avoiding difficult conversations.

I even became a MONK for 10 years to try to transcend my emotions!

...and then I tried breathwork to face them head on. I finally learned a few secrets of how our beliefs and basic physiology can go a LONG way towards creating a powerful alliance with your emotions. An alliance that not only ends suffering, but allows you to tap into the greater potential of your intuition and ability to live life in FULL COLOR.

I have worked with thought leaders, real princesses, mega-wealthy businesspeople, housewives, working mothers, and seekers of all echelons of life...and there is one thing they have in common:

They all want the ability to let go of stress and self-doubts and stay in a non-reactive state of patience and peace.

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"Gotta tell you I used your work to a great advantage a couple of weeks ago. I had to have emergency oral surgery. I was hooked up to EKG and BP cuff. I was not prepared mentally it emotionally for going under the knife or anesthesia. Everything was elevated. I felt horrible anxiety laying there waiting. Watching my blood pressure at 155/120. (Way higher than normal) and heart rate 101 -110. So. All I could do was to breathe. And I brought everything down into the normal zone in less than 10 minutes. Might have taken less time but I was being poked etc. and anxiety disappeared too. Whew!!"

Jocelyn Chalmers

"The biggest benefit of this course has been feeling calmer and more grounded in my day to day routine."

Jane Peters

You are not alone if you fear that you lack the consistency to change your life. You are not alone if you think your patterns are too deep to create new ones. You are not alone if you suffer from self-doubt or feel like you are hopelessly impatient. I am here to tell you there is hope for you.

But only if you realize that sometimes you need the help of others to get you back on track.

When I tried to master my emotions by myself, it took 30 years of trial and, consistent ERROR, which just drove me further and further away from myself. When I finally learned to open up to others and let them help and guide me,

I changed a LIFETIME of emotional dysfunction into a healthy emotional expression in no-time.

Now I live a life of emotional balance…NO, that doesn't mean nothing goes wrong in my life. But I am no longer afraid of emotions like anxiety, anger, sadness, and in fact I embrace them as lovingly as I do emotions of joy, peace and love. My life has become richer and more meaningful…like as if I had been watching my life on Black and White TV for years, and somebody finally gave me a Color TV!

That's why I have created a way for you to easily and effectively transform your relationship with your emotions as well.


The 21-Day Emotional Mastery Challenge

The step-by-step method to emotional mastery and balance

(without having to be a monk for 10 years like me!)

So how does this work?

21 Days of step-by-step instructions and action plans

Clear and concise explanation of what you need to do each day of the 21 days

No confusion or guesswork...just follow the daily guidance

Support and accountability so you never feel lost or alone

The secret technique that cuts through the static and gets right to the heart (YOUR heart) of the matter!

"The journaling and the questions you asked in the course made me go deep into myself & do the hard work."

Jess Killen

"I never expected to have such a transformation like I had with you…. Your genuine compassion and kindness…helped to me to move way beyond my old pain into the beautiful light and love of the universe."

Pam Stone Finzel

The 21-Day Emotional Mastery Challenge

The step-by-step method to emotional mastery and balance

(without having to be a monk for 10 years like me!)

To be completely honest, this is the 3rd launch of this program. I am still using feedback from participants to tweak and enhance the lessons. For this reason, I am more present and available for personal questions and needs along the journey. After that it will be set to run on autopilot. So, if that level of personal consideration is appealing to you, plan to join NOW! The groups to come will not get this extra personal attention.

To work with me personally for 1 hour each day for 21 days would easily cost upwards of $3000. But I am not going to charge you that.

When I release this to future classes it will likely cost $500. Not a bad price for getting your emotions mastered, is it?

"Throughout my years, emotions have often led me astray or caused more upheaval to me and less to my perceived adversary. I do practice meditation and what I call my "morning mental stabilization time," but when I tried the 21-Day Emotional Mastery Challenge, I could see things in a new way.

"The exercises ask you to look at events from a different view, and by simply following the directions, I uncovered old situations from my life and then using the directions given, was able to re-interpret those same situations from a different angle. I won't say this was easy. It was sometimes difficult in that some things came back so clearly, but it was not difficult to follow the directions. The directions are very step-by-step and understandable. There is a down to earth quality about the course that makes it work. Also the fact that you do the course during your normal life gives it a better chance to stick with you than the weekend workshops or retreats that I have also tried.

"This course helped me understand myself better. If you would like to give yourself a better understanding of yourself and you are ready to do the work necessary to climb that mountain, then I highly recommend this course to you! It is also great to have Christian as a resource. He answers emails and questions and never failed to somehow lift me up."

Brenda V.
Court Reporter

"Thank you for this amazing course and precious info and sharing!?

If I had to give a value to these amazing teachings I wouldn’t be able to because I consider it PRICELESS!

So Thank You
Thank you
Thank you ❤️"

M. M.

How much has your emotional baggage cost you already?

Take a moment to reflect: what will life be like if you continue down the emotional road you are on? How much will your nervous system pay? How much is your peace of mind at risk? How miserable can it become if you do nothing?

Who wants to continue to be triggered week after week, forced into habitual reactions of chaotic emotional outbursts that lead to fights, name-calling and things you say or do that you regret later? Are you willing to carry fear, self-doubt and/or indecision with you for the rest of your life?

It is likely that you have already spent at least $500 on your emotional the cost of expensive therapy sessions, yoga classes, reiki treatments, workshops and books...or by racking up high bar tabs and/or spending on other indulgences designed to numb the hurt…

And consider the intangible costs: sleepless nights, alienating your loved ones, or waking each morning with that anxious, foreboding feeling of not wanting to face the day...

But I am not going to charge you $500. I am not even going to charge you HALF of that!

I want this course to be something you don't have to even think twice about considering. I know that a life without emotional balance is a hard life to live, and that when you have a powerful, positive relationship to your emotions life can take on a beauty and a vividness that you may currently only dream is possible.

I want this course to change your life, and the lives of tens of thousands of people. I want the kind of results for you that makes not only your life great, but improves the world as a result of your postive influence on others.

So in order to make completely sure this is a no-brainer decision for you to enroll in this challenge, I am offering this powerful email program for only $197.

OK, no more is YOUR time. Lets take this leap together.

The 21 Day Emotional Mastery Challenge begins the Monday after you register. If you register on Monday, you will recieve your first lesson on the following Monday.

No Risk!

If you apply yourself for the full 21 days of instruction and exercises (no quitting in the middle!) and if you aren't wildly enthusiastic about your results, I will refund your full investment!

"To date, my most profound healing experience was with you during one of your courses. I could feel the pain from the loss of my Father ascending out of me. Of course, I still deal with that pain, but that was definitely a turning point for me. I am always thankful to you for providing that space...."

Kristin Favreau Porter

"I owe you my LIFE. I have no idea why I am so happy."



How is the challenge delivered?

Each day of the 21 days, you will receive an email directly into your inbox with lessons, assignments and actionable items

When does it start?

The Monday after you register, you will receive the first of your 21 days of lessons. If you register on Monday, you will begin on the following Monday.

What if I get behind?

The challenge will go for 21 days, but you will have every weekend off to relax and enjoy the new life you are creating, or catch up on any assignments you still have to do.

As a monk, did you have to wear a brown potato sack and cut your hair in a reverse bowl cut?

No, but we did have to learn how to cut each other’s hair!

Are you ready to turn:

Self-Doubts into Self-Worth?

Anxiety into Alignment?

Exhaustion into Excitement?

Chaos into Connection?

It’s time to evolve your life.

Enroll in the 21-Day Emotional Mastery Challenge

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5 Habits of Conscious Success

True happiness and fulfillment isn't measured in "accumulated stuff." It is created by developing supportive lifestyle habits, and then living those habits, day-in and day-out.
In this E-Book, you will learn the 5 fundamental daily habits that I assimilated from living and working with them on a daily basis for 10 years as a monk, living in a monastery/ashram environment.
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Shift Happens-Decision Making PDF

Life can change on a dime...and it can be for better or worse, depending on the choices you make. Have you ever made a decision that did not turn out well? Have you ever looked back and regretted the decision you made?


Wouldn't you like to know how to avoid regrets and make the choice that is right for you, because it COMES FROM YOUR HEART?


That's why I have created a document to help you get the most out of your important decision-making process. 

Some possible Life-changing decisions:

·      Do I stay in my marriage or file for divorce?

·      Do I leave my job to start working on my own?

·      Do I move to this town/state/country or another one?

·      Do I spend money on something I really want, or is it better put towards something else?

When you choose what is alignment with your heart, you move forward with confidence and conviction and take control of your life!

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